Your card account balance currently requires a minimum balance of at least $10 in order to complete the KYC identity verification process (we recommend at least $30-50 to start with).  You must also keep a minimum balance of $10 in your account.  When your balance dips below $10 you will need to replenish funds in order to keep using your card. 

There is no maximum that you can deposit them – can deposit as much as you want.  In the US, your cards (virtual and physical) will allow you to spend $5,000 a day, for a combined amount of $5,000 per day in point-of-sale transactions; cash or cash equivalent transactions are limited to $500 per day. In the UK and EEA, your cards (virtual and physical) will allow you to spend 3000 EUR/GBP in a single transaction, 5000 EUR/GBP per day, and up to 10,000 EUR/GBP every 30 days; cash or cash equivalent transactions are limited to 500 EUR/GBP per day and 2500 EUR/GBP every 30 days.

These limits apply to the card and may be different for other types of accounts.